Themes Photoshop Silhouettes Graphic Design Presumptuousness: Make a silhouette vignette, is to cut an image from the background or situation in which it is. Silhouetting an image, something very common in graphic design, is usually done to highlight an image eliminating other elements or to place it within another image making a photo montage. In computerized graphic design, outlining figures can be done with many programs, but until recently the most common way of making silhouettes was to cut the images by applying a cutting way in Photoshop and saving the image as a .esp document Encapsulated PostScript file. That was the case because transparencies now so fashionable did not exist the PostScript language does not support them and when they appeared they did so slowly: Many programs did not accept them well and caused problems when filming. Things have changed. Newer versions of Photoshop have other, non-destructive procedures for outlining parts of images, and most other profess...
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